Transitional Challenges

Transitional Challenges

Young adulthood is a time of increasing independence.  This can be exhilarating.  It can also be confusing and anxiety-provoking.  There is a lot to decide and a lot to learn to manage.  Questions abound!  What do I want to do with my life?  Do I want to go to college?  Do I have to go to college?  Can I afford to go to college?  As a young adult, you may be transitioning to living away from home and needing to learn how to navigate “adult” concerns such as managing your finances and successfully living on your own.  Or you may be living at home while going to school and struggling to assert your independence while still living with parental expectations and rules.  You may be working, either part time or full time.  Whatever is happening in your life is undoubtedly different from the way “it used to be.”